Migraines are very common, affecting more than 10% of people worldwide.
They are most common in people between the ages of 20 and 50, and women are about three times more likely to experience migraines than men.
In the US, migraines may affect more than 12% of adults, with 17.1% of women and 5.6% of men reporting symptoms.
Functional Causes – these causes include chemical changes that can trigger headaches
- Hormonal Changes
- Stress
- Sleep Changes
- Dietary Triggers
- Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency or toxicity
- Drug reactions or side effects
Physical Causes – Some of the physical causes of headaches and migraines include
- Forward Head Posture
- Trigger Points in the upper trap muscles or other neck and head muscles
- CranioCervical Junction Instability (atlas and Occiput)
- Tech Neck
It is important to address both of these possibilities when trying to determine the underlying cause of your specific problem.
Our integrated, team approach relies on various lab testing and advanced imaging to get to the root cause of your headaches
Schedule your Complimentary initial consultation here.